Welcome to the City of Newaygo
Riverfront Trail Temporary Closure
The City of Newaygo is performing repairs and improvements to the old powerhouse building located on the Riverfront Trail next to the Muskegon River. The construction will occur between February and June 2025. During this time there will be periodic closure of the Riverfront Trail next to the building and pedestrians will not be able to get through that area. If you have questions about the project or trail closure please contact city hall at 231-652-1657.
Business start-up/expansion grant FY2025
The City of Newaygo is accepting applications from downtown businesses with startup or expansion projects through 3pm on March 17, 2025. See list of required documents below. If interested in the program, please contact City Manager Jon Schneider to discuss prior to working on documentation/application. Contact info is below.
Match on Main is a reimbursement grant program, provided by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), that serves as a tool to support new or expanding businesses by providing up to $25,000 in funding to support an eligible small business through an application submitted, administered, and managed by the local unit of government. The process is competitive. The City can select up to two businesses to submit to the MEDC for consideration of funding. The MEDC will then decide whether to fund one of the businesses, both, or none. Businesses that have received this funding in the past are not eligible to receive an award a second time.
The focus of Match on Main is to support businesses as they seek to launch and grow on main street (downtown area). Program funds may be used for expenses related to technical assistance, interior building renovation, permanent or semi-permanent activation of outdoor space, or for general marketing, technology, operational changes, or inventory expenses related to retail goods.
Small businesses are the cornerstone of what makes Michigan’s downtowns unique and authentic. This program aligns with the MEDC’s strategic focus areas, including the continued effort toward developing attractive places.
To learn more on which businesses are eligible and what expenses can be reimbursed, review the program guidelines. For complete info on the program, visit the Match on Main website.
In order to apply for potential funding in the program, a business must submit the following documents to the City of Newaygo by 3pm on March 17, 2025.
- Business Application/Worksheet (see link to doc below)
- Third-party cost estimates
- Project budget including the business's match amount
- Jobs planned to be created or retained
- Before photos of the project (3 photos with at least one interior and one exterior)
Download a File:
Business App/Worksheet
Program Guidelines - Match on Main program
Job Opening:
Police Officer or Police Recruit
Closing Date: Until filled
February 26, 2024
Seeking a licensed MCOLES police officer or a person interested in becoming a paid recruit to attend an academy to become a licensed MCOLES police officer for the City of Newaygo.
Duties include patrolling city streets, parks, commercial and residential areas. Preserve the peace and enforce the law, control vehicular traffic, prevent or detect and investigate misconduct involving misdemeanors, felonies and other law violations, obtaining evidence and compile information regarding crimes, prepare cases for filing of charges, testifying in court, and related activities, carry out duties in conformance with Federal, State, city ordinances, departmental policies and procedures and other related activities.
- Associates degree in law enforcement, criminal justice or a related field required
- Must be licensed, licensable as a police officer by MCOLES. (Or interested in an academy to become a licensed officer)
- Must be a U.S. citizen and be 21 years or older at the time of employment.
- Must possess, or be able to obtain by time of hire, a valid driver's license.
- No felony convictions and/or disqualifying criminal histories.
- Must be able to read and write the English language.
- Must be of good moral character.
- Ability to successfully complete all phases of the selection process.
- Pass extensive personal and professional background check
- Pass medical, psychological and drug testing.
- Patrol in a vehicle
- Respond to calls for service
- Make arrests
- Prepare narrative crime reports and non-criminal reports, criminal investigations and follow-up traffic crash investigations
- Participate in training sessions
- Participate in community-oriented events
- Patrol Newaygo Public School District
- Display a positive and professional attitude and demeanor.
- Detain search and question suspects as appropriate.
G. Andres, Chief of Police
City of Newaygo Police Department
PO Box 308
28 W State Rd
Newaygo, Michigan 49337
231.652.1657 extension *215#
City of Newaygo Launches Facade Grant Program!
The City of Newaygo now offers a façade grant program for the City’s Tax Increment Finance Authority district. The program is available to commercial and mixed-use property owners and lessees who wish to make permanent physical improvements to their buildings. The City of Newaygo is offering a competitive matching grant, up to 50 percent of the eligible costs.
For more information click here.
City of Newaygo Resource Booklet
Please check out the new Resource Booklet!
Download a File:
Newaygo Police Resource Booklet
On the Banks of the Muskegon River
Nature has influenced Newaygo since before 100 B.C. when Indian tribes like the Hopewell and Ottawa flourished here, hunting, fishing, and trapping the landscape.
There are many legends and stories about the name chosen for Newaygo. It is believed it was derived from an Indian brave, Nah-way-gon, who had a reputation for bravery and strength, and was known for his courage on the battlefield.
We're glad you are interested in our community. Please contact City Hall with any questions. We are happy to help.
Problem with a streetlight?
To report a problem with a streetlight, click link below. Examples of problems include: stays on during day, does not turn on at night, flickers, dim, etc.
Report streetlight problem
For questions and answers on streetlight issues, click link below. Link also includes instructions on how to use the map to report problems.
Information on streetlight issues
NOTE: The links above only pertain to streetlights managed by Consumers Energy. DO NOT use the links above for street lights on the following streets: Cooperative Center Dr, Pine Lake Dr, Neway St, Industrial Dr, and M37 between River St and Water St. For issues with lights on these streets, please email office@newaygo.gov. Thank you.
Newaygo PD earns accreditation
Michigan Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission
Newaygo, MI – The City of Newaygo Police Department (NPD) along with our staff are excited to announce its completion of the Michigan Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission (MLEAC) accreditation process.
Accreditation is a progressive and time-proven way of helping law enforcement agencies calculate and improve their overall performances. The foundation of accreditation lies in the voluntary adoption of standards containing a clear statement of professional objectives. Participating agencies conduct a thorough self-analysis to determine which of their existing operations already meet some of the standards and/or how the procedures can be adapted to meet the standards and professional objectives. When the procedures are in place, a team of trained Commission assessors verified that applicable standards had been successfully implemented and the agency is in compliance. Accreditation status represents a significant professional achievement. Accreditation acknowledges the implementation of written directives, policies, and procedures that are conceptually sound and operationally effective.
The Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP) and the Michigan Sheriffs’ Association (MSA) have pursued this concept and development the development of the MLEAC. The attitudes, training and actions of personnel of Michigan’s law enforcement agencies best reflect compliance with the 108 standards contained in this program. Newaygo Police Department was the thirty-seventh accredited agency, state-wide.
On October 11, 2021, the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police President Chief Ronald Wiles of Grand Blanc Township, MACP Executive Director Robert Stevenson, and the Director of Professional Development/Accreditation Neal Rossow presented the City of Newaygo the certificate of accreditation at the City council meeting. The community should take pride in knowing they have an accredited police department.
“The City of Newaygo Police Department continually strives to become one of the most professional departments in West Michigan. MLEAC Accreditation is a big step in the right direction. With this certificate of accreditation makes NPD the first department in our area to attain accreditation. I hope that our constant pursuit of excellence allows us to serve our great citizens with the utmost professionalism for years to come” – Chief Georgia Andres.
Visit Online:
Coverage from www.woodtv.com
Water Quality Reports
Looking for information on Water Quality in the City of Newaygo? Click here to read the 2023 Water quality Report.
Other reports are located under our Forms and Publications
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How May We Help?
City of Newaygo
28 State Road
Newaygo, Michigan 49337
Phone (231) 652-1657
Monday through Friday, 7:30a-4:00p
Emergency: Phone 911